Thursday, August 15, 2013

Moderately Lazy

It's currently quiet in my house. The tiny humans are sleeping, and so is the not so tiny husband. I have a ton of things to do, a few reviews to write up, I could do some school work-- and, oh I have a book to read for a review...ugh I need to do that.... But, nay. I'm sitting...doing none of it. Why? ...Because I am lazy. 

Well, it's kinda true. I sit here and I realize I've accomplished a lot today, I should give myself a break. I did some awesome grocery shopping, saved tons by using coupons and what not. I went to the post office and made sure I pet each of our six cats/kittens. I got caught up by watching the last 2 episodes of True Blood. I did the dishes and made an awesome dinner. I kept the children from murdering each other, and I even made a cake. Go me.  Why must I constantly be doing something? I've done a fair amount today, more than some people do in an entire week! So...I am only ...moderately lazy. Yay for me. 

The same goes for everyone else! We run ourselves around all day, doing whatever needs to be done...and then what? We gotta do it all over again anyway! Nay, I say! We've all done enough for one day --let's all be moderately lazy!! Yay for us! 

I think I will go read that book....and then...go to bed. Ha! Go me, again. 

1 comment:

  1. You go, girl! I've given myself permission to be moderately lazy for awhile now. Of course 6 months might be a tad too long. On second thought....maybe it's high time for me to get back on the fast track again. Wish me luck.
