Sunday, August 28, 2011

Some news...

 I'm on on cusp of turning 34. My husband is 40-something and on the cusp of eventually being stuck on permanent disability at a far too young age to make enough to support even one person. This leaves us with an uncertain future, not that it matters for the two of us, but ..we have 3 kids. This puts me in unfamiliar territory. I live in the middle of no-where...although not considered "the country", it might as well be. The highest level of career opportunities here; is becoming manager at McDonalds (not that there's anything wrong with that).  

 So, I've made a potential ginormous mistake, or a huge step towards becoming a millionaire. Either way, my life (at the very least) is about to change dramatically. I've made the decision to go to college. 

 Oh, at 34. I'm awesome, and about to be in debt so far....that the light from being in the green...will take 5 million years to reach me. 

 I have a range of emotions going all at once...I feel like I'm insane mostly. Why in the world did I wait so long to do this? What if I can't do this? What if I do this...and it doesn't work out? I liked school, and was a good student...but, what if this is too difficult for me? BOO! 

 But, then there's the tiny part of my brain, much like a imagined split-personality...the part that thinks about things more thoroughly. This part of my brain tells me; "Everything will be fine, as long as you don't screw it up". Yeah, even my fake psychosis has an attitude. This part of my brain is logical, forward thinking and often rational. Which is why I know I should listen to...mainly because I rarely do. 

 Since I am good at, and have made money off my digital graphic skills...I intend to reach towards a career in that area. Of course, I have to take various other classes let's hope I actually get to my goal. 

For now I bid you all g'night/g'day...I'll update once I get something to update about. Cheers. 

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